Human Body & Health

Can humans learn to echolocate?

TL;DR: Yes, people can develop human echolocation skills using mouth-clicks and specialized listening techniques, though it requires training and practice...

Why do onions make people cry?

TL;DR: Onions release a tear-inducing chemical irritant called syn-Propanethial-S-oxide when their cells are cut, which stimulates the eyes to produce...

Why can’t we remember things that happened before age two?

TL;DR: Most of our brains before age two are busy laying down essential neural foundations, so those early experiences don’t...

Why do humans dream? What scientific explanations are there for the purpose and function of our dreams?

TL;DR: Humans dream largely because our brains remain active during sleep, processing emotions, memories, and problem-solving tasks through vivid mental...

Why Can’t We Tickle Ourselves? The Neuroscience Behind Self-Tickling

TL;DR: We can’t tickle ourselves effectively because our brain predicts and cancels out the sensations our own movements create, making...

Why do people get hiccups? What are the most effective ways to stop them?

TL;DR: Hiccups happen when your diaphragm involuntarily contracts, causing a sudden rush of air that makes your vocal cords snap...

Why do we blush?

TL;DR: We blush because heightened emotion triggers more blood flow to our facial skin, a response thought to signal honesty...
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