Technology, Engineering, and Innovation

How do airplanes fly?

TL;DR: Airplanes fly by balancing lift, thrust, drag, and weight, using specially shaped wings and engines to generate enough upward...

How do superconductors and quantum computing promise to revolutionize technology?

TL;DR: Superconductors and quantum computing hold the key to creating ultra-efficient power systems and blazing-fast computers, promising a technological revolution...

If an asteroid targeted Earth, could we shoot it down?

TL;DR: Yes, if we detect an incoming asteroid early enough, current and emerging planetary defense strategies could potentially deflect or...

Have Humans Already Hit Our Evolutionary Peak?

TL;DR: Humans are still evolving in subtle ways—there’s no sign we’ve hit our final form. It’s tempting to think that...

Why Did Scientists Want to Split the Atom?

TL;DR: Scientists sought to split the atom to unlock the immense energy stored within, understand fundamental forces of nature, and...

Can Self-Driving Cars Find a “Harm-Free” Third Option?

TL;DR: Self-driving cars aim to minimize harm, but achieving a “third option” that spares everyone in a no-win scenario remains...

Why did MIT’s moral machine prioritize mothers with strollers?

TL;DR: Because global respondents showed a powerful bias toward preserving young lives and parental figures, the aggregated data in MIT’s...
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