Philosophy and Big Questions

Could time travel ever be theoretically or practically possible within the framework of current physics?

TL;DR: “According to current physics, time travel isn’t outright forbidden, but practical methods face monumental challenges—wormholes, near-light-speed travel, and exotic...

Can we ever truly prove that math exists independently of human thought?

TL;DR: No definitive proof exists that mathematics transcends human thought, but debates across philosophy, science, and logic suggest powerful hints...

How does the concept of infinity reshape our understanding of the universe’s boundaries?

TL;DR: Infinity broadens our view of a universe without strict edges, suggesting spacetime may stretch unendingly rather than end at...

Why does the universe keep expanding?

TL;DR: The universe keeps expanding because it began in a hot, dense state and has been stretching ever since, powered...

Are we living in a computer simulation?

TL;DR: No one knows for sure, but intriguing clues from physics, philosophy, and technology fuel the debate that our reality...

Have Humans Already Hit Our Evolutionary Peak?

TL;DR: Humans are still evolving in subtle ways—there’s no sign we’ve hit our final form. It’s tempting to think that...

Why do some people reject established science for untested beliefs?

TL;DR: Some people reject established science for untested beliefs due to cognitive biases, emotional needs, cultural influences, and mistrust of...

Can Self-Driving Cars Find a “Harm-Free” Third Option?

TL;DR: Self-driving cars aim to minimize harm, but achieving a “third option” that spares everyone in a no-win scenario remains...

Why did MIT’s moral machine prioritize mothers with strollers?

TL;DR: Because global respondents showed a powerful bias toward preserving young lives and parental figures, the aggregated data in MIT’s...
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